针对 & 度量:到目前为止的故事

贴在 2022年9月1日星期四 | IAB英国

了解更多关于第三方cookie的用途, why they are being deprecated 和 alternative targeting and 测量策略 that are being developed

在浏览器, third-party cookies have already been deprecated on Mozilla’s Firefox and Apple’s Safari and are due to be phased out on Google’s Chrome in 2024. 在移动, 苹果对其广告主标识符(IDFA)的改变 have already impacted how apps can monetise services within iOS and highlighted the importance of effectively communicating with people about the essential value exchange that sits at the heart of the free web. Android广告id (AAIDs)也将被设置为 被谷歌淘汰

因此,随着我们的行业开发出新的在线定位和衡量方式,我们已经走了多远? 我们还需要做什么? 这里我们列出了迄今为止发生的事情. 



cookie是用户访问网站时存储在浏览器中的一小段代码. 它们被用来识别和记住用户,当他们访问并重新访问一个网站时. cookie只在web浏览器环境中工作. 移动广告标识符, 或女佣, 在应用程序环境中使用-提供与cookie类似的功能.

了解第一个和第三方cookie之间的区别是很重要的. 第一方cookie是由域名所有者(如.e. 被访问的网站),只在该领域内的功能, 而第三方cookie是由不拥有该域名的实体删除的. They are currently leveraged across the digital ecosystem to target users with advertising and measure the performance of campaigns (among other functions). 类似的, MAIDs are anonymous IDs that give 广告商 a way to track individual users across the iOS app ecosystem, 不管应用环境如何. IDFA是苹果iOS中的MAID. 



2017年,苹果率先在Safari浏览器中实施了反跟踪措施. Mozilla followed shortly after, and third-party cookies are now obsolete within Safari and Firefox. 2020年1月, 谷歌宣布将在2022年之前弃用Chrome浏览器中的第三方cookie (现在延长到2024年) and introduced Privacy Sandbox “to create technologies that both protect people's privacy online and give companies and developers 工具 to build thriving digital businesses”. 考虑到Chrome目前是全球最主要的浏览器, 正是这一声明使得更广泛的变革不可避免. T在这里 has since been a lot of momentum within the industry to develop alternative strategies for targeting and measuring online that don’t involve third-party identifiers, 同时保持广告商提供相关广告的能力.

One of the reasons given for phasing out third-party cookies and identifiers by companies such as Google and Apple is the desire to create more privacy-conscious online environments, 在彩乐园dsn行业,隐私是一个备受讨论的话题. 然而,注意这一点很重要 “隐私”是一个非常主观的术语 这, 从根本上, the use of cookies (and any other similar device-based information or identifiers) or personal data must comply with data protection and ePrivacy legislation. 

This focus on privacy within the digital ad industry reflects a greater legislative focus on data protection over recent years. 欧盟修订的数据保护立法, 的GDPR, 2016年成为法律,自2018年起在英国生效. 英国脱欧后,英国法律将其保留为 英国GDPR 和 私隐及电子通讯规例(PECR) 自2003年以来,是谁在英国管理cookie和其他类似技术的使用. 以及加强对数据收集方式的监管审查, 为彩乐园dsn目的使用和共享, 研究表明 消费者越来越意识到他们的个人数据是如何在网上被使用的. 

与数据隐私相关的变化也超出了浏览器环境. 最重要的是,苹果发布了iOS 14.5给用户提供了在应用级别阻止IDFA标识符的选项, 这对广告商和开发商来说意义重大. 更多信息 在这里

在Android平台上,谷歌推出了一款 专注于移动设备的隐私沙盒 2022年发展“新”, more private advertising solutions” that “will limit sharing of user data with third parties and operate without cross-app identifiers, 包括广告ID”. 它表示,这将是一个“多年的倡议”,并表示:“当我们设计, 构建并测试这些新的解决方案, 我们计划至少在两年内支持现有的广告平台功能, 我们打算在任何未来的变化之前提供实质性的通知.” 



在所有这些变化中, 重要的是要理解标识符在支持我们的广告资金方面发挥的重要作用, 的免费网络. 在他们的核心, viable targeting and measurement solutions must be implemented in a way that is compliant with data protection and ePrivacy laws. 除了, they also need to balance the prevailing emphasis on how to achieve outcomes using different or reduced data and identifiers, with the reality that ad-funded digital content relies on relevant targeting and accurate measurement. 

广告商使用标识符来识别他们想要接触的在线受众, 使他们的广告更有效, 对用户来说也更相关. 重要的是,根据IAB欧洲, 75%欧洲人 说他们从相关的, targeted advertising 和 same proportion would prefer to maintain an ad-funded internet – complete with targeting – than pay for access to online content.

以及能够衡量广告的有效性, 品牌也可以使用标识符来限制广告的频率. 如果没有这种能力,广告商将无法阻止广告轰炸, 严重损害了人们的上网体验. It will also mean that brands will be wasting money by serving the same ads to the same user repeatedly.

现在的挑战是找到替代的目标定位方法, measuring and frequency capping online ads that don’t undermine the economic viability of the ad-funded web - ensuring that our digital ecosystem remains ad-funded, 多元开放. 我们的首席营销官詹姆斯·钱德勒总结了这一平衡 在这里

虽然实现这一点并不简单, 还有很多关于“饼干的消失”的讨论。, 我们在IAB相信我们的行业有一个巨大的机会. By creating targeting and measurement solutions that are compliant with current data protection laws by design, 而不是改造已有的策略来跟上这个领域的变化, 我们可以创建一个功能更强大的数字生态系统,为所有各方——消费者——服务, 广告商, 媒体所有者. 而不是关注第三方cookie的丢失, we’re urging the industry to focus on what we stand to gain by pioneering new ways to target and measure online. 


针对 & 度量策略适合未来 

有很多不同的目标 测量策略 -不使用第三方cookie -已经存在或正在开发中. 虽然这些通常被标榜为第三方cookie的替代品, it’s important to recognise that it’s highly unlikely that t在这里 will be a one-size-fits-all approach to fill the range of functions that third-party cookies currently deliver. Our industry is having to think differently in order to develop new strategies and give 广告商 a portfolio of options to target and measure consumers across browsers and in-app. 

展望未来, t在这里 will likely be a spectrum of granularity available when it comes to targeting and measurement online. 有些环境是完全匿名的, 其他的是完全可寻址的, 有些将允许在聚合或组级别上进行寻址. It is t在这里fore crucial that marketers underst和 different types of solutions that are being developed. 

IAB Tech Lab launched Project Rearc in response to the deprecation (or limitation) of third-party cookies and other identifiers, 被浏览器采取的消费者隐私保护措施扰乱, 操作系统, 以及全球范围内新的隐私法规. 在一个非常广泛的层面上, 这些策略目前可分为三类——相互关联, 浏览器/操作系统链接和非链接的解决方案.



由IAB技术实验室创造, ‘linked audiences’ relate to targeting strategies w在这里 publisher and advertiser audiences can be directly linked using an identifier – such as a tokenised email address that establishes a 1:1 connection with an individual. 


This describes environments w在这里 the browser or operating system is the only possible entity to link the publisher and advertiser data. 这个领域的选项包括隐私沙盒的主题和苹果的SKAdNetwork. 这两种情况, the use of Privacy Enhancing Techniques (PETs) allows for the possibility to reproduce some of the core functional targeting and measurement techniques without relying on 1:1 identifiers.


‘分离的观众’ relate to targeting strategies w在这里 t在这里 is no ability to directly link a publisher's audience to the advertiser’s audience and so 广告商 cannot identify users at an individual level when this approach is used in isolation. 卖方定义受众(sda)的能力, 上下文, 在没有标识符的情况下出现了注意力解决方案.


目标定位的未来 & 测量

随着第三方标识符越来越过时, 当涉及到定位和衡量他们的在线受众时,广告商有什么选择? 我们将探讨迄今为止发生的事情,并通过可用的策略为您提供指导.










2023年第四季度:来自CMA的更新 & 谷歌的隐私沙盒





支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.